Erasing Windows XP or any other operating system isn't hard at all. If you want to know how to erase your hard drive then you can simply use dban or wipedrive. Windows XP installation will give you the option to format the drive before installing. Format the drive will not erase windows per say but it will erase all "records" of its existence and therefore "get rid of it". So … [Read more...]
Get server information
Systeminfo You can use the command "systeminfo" from the command line of your windows computer and it will get server information for that server. Tons of good info for building a inventory list of all your servers and hardware etc. More info on how to get your servers specs here. Get server information and detailed configuration information about a client and its operating … [Read more...]
Why do I wipe my hard drive once a year?
PC security is really an after thought for most users. So why do I wipe my hard drive once a year? We all know viruses, spyware and malware exist and in most cases can hide on your hard drive undetected by scanners and such. Root kits and polymorphic code all live on your system undetected. The only way to remove these unwanted parasites is to wipe your hard drive clean and … [Read more...]
Where to find your Cisco Clean Access logs
Log into the clean access server and cd to /perfigo/logs/perfigo-redirect-log0.log.0 This is where you will find CAS logs to display recent events on your clean access deployment. There are three levels of logging ALL - all logging INFO - informational messages only SEVERE - only severe messages (default) To change the log level drive down to ADMINISTRATION --> CCA … [Read more...]
How to modify the Cisco Clean Access web login page
Cisco clean access web login page can be modified via html editing. I only want to do this to remove the Cisco Clean Access branding from the login page on the bottom left hand corner. … [Read more...]