One of the best ways to help promote your site and get high quality links and traffic back to your site is by writing and submitting a Guest Post to a popular blog that relates to your focused market. What is a Guest Post? A Guest Post is exactly what it sounds like. It is when you post and article you have written to another site or blog and they post it for you. The goal of guest posts is to get good, quality backlinks from credible sites directly related to your focused market. Since you are posting directly on someone’s blog or website, you will need the site owner’s permission before you are able to do any of this. Essentially, it’s the same as Article marketing but instead of posting your article to an article directory, you’re posting on a blog.
Guest posting is not the easiest of things. Before you are able to even try to post on someone else’s site, you will need to gain their trust. We covered this in an earlier portal, but if you recall, the most important thing to remember is building a relationship with the site owner by commenting on posts he/or she makes. Once you have commented enough with relevant and researched material, you can ask the site owner if they would allow you to do a guest post. Remember, they want relevant and well-written article on their site as well, so make sure you follow the criteria listed above.
How do I get my Post Accepted?
The best way to get your guest post approved and accepted is to know what you are doing ahead of time. Do some research (yes, we said more research) and see what other accepted bloggers wrote about. Looking at what was previously accepted will give you a better idea what the sit owner deems acceptable and relevant. For example, if you’re wondering if you can include an anchor text link back to your site and you find that the majority of the other guest posts have them, then you know that’s okay to do with this particular blog. Follow their tone and style, without copying them entirely, and your post should be accepted no problem.
After you do your research and discover ways to get your post accepted, you also want to make sure that you’re not spamming your own site. The only thing you’ll want to leave in your article is a link back to your site. Look at the research you just did to see where to place this link. In some cases you’ll be able to leave an anchor text link, others, you may just have to settle for one link in your “authors” box.
What happens if my Post is Rejected?
Just to be clear, even the best writers have to submit to rejection from time to time. If by chance your article is rejected, there are many ways to ensure this does not happen again. You can try re-submitting to the same site or a completely different one, or you can do a complete re-write. The reality is that there are going to be at least 100 different blogs out there that relate to your site and out of those 100, there will be at least 10 that are popular enough for you to submit your article to.
Getting Guest Posts will really help improve the traffic and authority of your own site. We encourage you to work on getting one every month. They’re a lot easier to get than you might expect, especially if you follow the three rules above: Research, Relevance, and Reputation.