Do you need a RSS reader you can call from the command line or a UNIX script?
Well I searched the web for CLI based RSS readers and I found this little guy called theyoke – I’m going to give you everything you need here to download etc as well as some installation and usage tips not found on theyoke’s web site. This RSS aggregrator is written in perl and drives like a dream. The creator of this CLI based RSS reader is the man! Okay enough praise lets get to business.
- Easy CLI execution.
- Written in PERL, so cross platform.
- Easy setup – single executable.
- Robust XML::RSS parser.
- Simple configuration file(s) – a list of URLs.
- Shows only the latest headlines.
- Polite to web servers – utilises “Last-modified” and “ETag” headers.
- Customizable output – title/description/url.
- Command line options to specify more or less feeds or filter by regex.
- Can be used to feed urls to wget or youtube-dl.
- Free to download and use.
Once installed you call the features using the “-h” option. It gives the following output:
[root@centos bin]#theyoke -h
Usage: theyoke: [[–debug]|[-d]]+ [–test] [–description] [–link]
[–no-title] [–no-feedname] [[–version] [-V]] [[–columns=int] [-
c=int]] [–numfeeds=number] [–onlyfeeds=regexp] [–reversetime]
[root@centos bin]#theyoke (this will get you the standard output)
or try
[root@centos bin]#theyoke –description (or any other option or combination or option)
Play with the option they are pretty obvious.
Now onto installation…
- Install the required perl modules (available from CPAN see more info below)
- libwww-perl
- HTML::Parser
- Digest::MD5
- Encode
- Download the source below, renaming to “theyoke”.
- Make it executable: chmod 755 theyoke.
- Run with ./theyoke to create the configuration files and directories.
- Add your RSS feed URLs to “~/.theyoke/feeds”.
- Every subsequent execution will display new items in the list of feeds.
Okay before you go to CPAN and wget and install all the modules you need STOP and listen to your fellow newbie… you need to first install the CPAN command line installer and then use it to install all the modules listed above.. it’s like yum or apt-get if you have ever used those. Just type “cpan” at the command line and you’ll drop in the cpan command line. Here is a very quick and dirty guide on how to use CPAN and install it if you don’t have it – CPAN Quick Cheat
Okay now copy paste the source into a file and follow the installation instructions above and you’re off to the best command line (CLI) based RSS reader I have used to date.
# $Id: theyoke 34 2007-02-18 18:50:19Z mackers $
# TheYoke is an ultra-simple RSS aggregrator designed for use on the UNIX command line.
use strict;
use XML::RSS;
use URI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
use Term::Size;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTML::FormatText;
my($USAGE) = “Usage: $0: [[–debug]|[-d]]+ [–test] [–description] [–link] [–no-title] [–no-feedname] [[–version] [-V]] [[–columns=int] [-c=int]] [–numfeeds=number] [–onlyfeeds=regexp] [–reversetime] [feedurl]…\n”;
my $version = “1.23-baka”;
my $config_dir = $ENV{‘HOME’} . “/.theyoke/”;
my $feeds_dir = $config_dir . “.feeds/”;
my $feeds_file = $config_dir . “feeds”;
my $agent = “TheYoke/$version (+ “;
my @feed_urls;
my (%OPTIONS);
my $exit_val = 0;
Getopt::Long::Configure(“bundling”, “no_ignore_case”, “no_auto_abbrev”, “no_getopt_compat”, “require_order”);
GetOptions(\%OPTIONS, ‘debug|d+’, ‘test’, ‘description’, ‘link’, ‘title’, ‘no-title’, ‘no-feedname’, ‘version|V+’, ‘columns|c=i’, ‘numfeeds=i’, ‘onlyfeeds=s’, ‘reversetime’) || die $USAGE;
if ($OPTIONS{‘version’}) {
print “$0 version $version\n”;
### Check for files and dirs. If none, create ###
unless (-d $config_dir || $#ARGV >= 0) {
mkdir ($config_dir) || die (“Couldn’t create directory $config_dir”);
unless (-d $feeds_dir || $#ARGV >= 0) {
mkdir ($feeds_dir) || die (“Couldn’t create directory $feeds_dir”);
unless (-f $feeds_file || $#ARGV >= 0) {
if (open(FEEDS, “>> $feeds_file”)) {
# TODO print feeds file content comments
print FEEDS “”;
close FEEDS;
### Read feeds file ###
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
foreach (@ARGV) {
my $u1 = URI->new($_);
push(@feed_urls, $u1);
} else {
if (open(FEEDS, “< $feeds_file”)) {
while (<FEEDS>) {
next if (/^#/);
next unless (/\w/);
my $u1 = URI->new($_);
push (@feed_urls, $u1);
} else {
print STDERR “theyoke: could not open $feeds_file\n”;
if (scalar(@feed_urls) == 0) {
print STDERR “theyoke: no feeds found. please enter some URLs in $feeds_file (or as command line argument)\n”;
### Create new files if necessary
foreach my $feed_url (@feed_urls) {
$feed_url = $feed_url->as_string;
my $file_path = $feeds_dir . &get_checksum($feed_url);
unless (-f $file_path || $#ARGV >= 0) {
print STDERR “theyoke: adding feed for $feed_url\n”;
if (open (FEED, “> $file_path”)) {
print FEED “$feed_url\n0\nno_digest_yet\nno_title_yet\nno_etag_yet\n”;
close FEED;
} else {
print STDERR “theyoke: couldn’t write to $feed_url\n”;
### Create the user agent ###
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
env_proxy => 1,
keep_alive => 0,
timeout => 30,
agent => $agent,
### For each feed file ###
my $count = 0;
my $dont_have_content = 1;
print STDERR “theyoke: Syndicating first $OPTIONS{‘numfeeds’} feeds.\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’} && defined($OPTIONS{‘numfeeds’}));
foreach my $feed_url (@feed_urls) {
last if (defined($OPTIONS{‘numfeeds’}) && $count++ == $OPTIONS{‘numfeeds’});
if ($OPTIONS{‘onlyfeeds’} && $feed_url !~ /$OPTIONS{‘onlyfeeds’}/) {
print STDERR “theyoke: Skipping… not in /$OPTIONS{‘onlyfeeds’}/\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’});
### get the filename
my $file_digest = &get_checksum($feed_url);
my $file_digest_path = $feeds_dir . $file_digest;
#### open the file
my $previous_content_digest = “no_digest_yet”;
my $last_title = “no_title_yet”;
my $last_mod = 0;
my $etag = “no_etag_yet”;
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
if (open(FEED, “< $file_digest_path”)) {
# 1st line: url
my $this_url = <FEED>;
# 2nd line: last modified system time
$last_mod = <FEED>;
# 3rd line: previous checksum for whole body
$previous_content_digest = <FEED>;
# 4th line: previous checksum for last known item
$last_title = <FEED>;
# 5th line: etag
$etag = <FEED>;
close FEED;
unless (($previous_content_digest ne “”) && ($last_title ne “”) && ($etag ne “”)) {
print STDERR “theyoke: $file_digest_path is corrupt or you’re using a new version of theyoke. will regenerate next time…\n”;
unlink $file_digest_path;
} else {
die (“theyoke: couldn’t open $file_digest_path”);
### send request to see if not modified
$| = 1;
print STDERR “theyoke: Getting \”$feed_url\” – ” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’});
my $head = HTTP::Headers->new;
$head->push_header(“If-None-Match” => $etag);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(“GET”, $feed_url, $head);
print STDERR $req->as_string if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’} > 1);
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
my $content;
if ($resp->code == 304) {
print STDERR ” got a 304, skipping\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’});
$| = 0;
} elsif ($resp->is_success) {
print STDERR ” got ” . $resp->code . “\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’});
$content = $resp->content();
$| = 0;
} else {
print STDERR “theyoke: \”$feed_url\”: got ” . $resp->code . “, skipping\n”;
$| = 0;
### skip if checksums match (i.e. head lied – no new content)
my $new_last_title = “”;
my $new_content_digest = &get_checksum($content);
if ($new_content_digest eq $previous_content_digest) {
print STDERR “theyoke: checksums match, skipping\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’});
} else {
### new content – parse the rss
my $newtitle = 0;
my $rss = new XML::RSS;
my $rss_title = “”;
# XML::RSS seems to always through a DIE
#local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print STDERR “theyoke: RSS parser error on \”$feed_url\”.\n”; };
eval {
if ($@) {
print STDERR “theyoke: RSS parser error on \”$feed_url\”: $@\n”;
$rss_title = $rss->channel(‘title’);
### check for no items
if (@{$rss->{‘items’}} == 0) {
print STDERR “theyoke: no RSS items found in \”$feed_url\”. bad RSS?\n”;
### check for no title
if ($rss_title eq “”) {
print STDERR “theyoke: no channel title found for \”$feed_url\”. bad RSS?\n”;
### look for new items
foreach my $item (@{$rss->{‘items’}}) {
my $this_description = $item->{‘description’};
my $this_title = $item->{‘title’};
my $this_link = $item->{‘link’};
my $wassname = “”;
if ($this_title ne “”) {
$wassname = $this_title;
} elsif ($this_description ne “”) {
#$wassname = substr($this_description,0,30) . “…”;
$wassname = $this_description;
} elsif ($this_link ne “”) {
$wassname = $this_link;
} else {
my $this_wassname_digest = &get_checksum($wassname);
if ($this_wassname_digest ne $last_title) {
# aha! new content
my ($columns, $rows) = Term::Size::chars *STDOUT{IO};
$columns = $OPTIONS{‘columns’} if (defined($OPTIONS{‘columns’}));
$columns = 32768 if ($columns < 10);
$wassname = HTML::FormatText->format_string($wassname);
$wassname =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
$wassname =~ s/\s+$//g;
my $printy = “”;
if (!$OPTIONS{‘no-feedname’} && $this_title) {
$printy .= “$rss_title: “;
if (!$OPTIONS{‘no-title’} && $this_title) {
$printy .= $wassname;
if (length($printy) > $columns-4) {
$printy = substr($printy,0,$columns-4) . “…”;
if ($printy ne “”) {
push(@OUTPUT, $printy . “\n”);
if ($OPTIONS{‘description’} && $this_title) {
$this_description = HTML::FormatText->format_string($this_description);
$this_description =~ s/[\r\n]\s*/\n\t/g;
$this_description = “\t$this_description” if (!$OPTIONS{‘no-feedname’});
push(@OUTPUT, “$this_description\n”);
if ($OPTIONS{‘link’} && $this_title) {
$this_link = “\t$this_link” if (!$OPTIONS{‘no-feedname’});
push(@OUTPUT, “$this_link\n”);
$dont_have_content = 0;
# save latest title
if ($new_last_title eq “”) {
$new_last_title = $this_wassname_digest;
} else {
# check for badness
if ($new_content_digest eq “”) {
print STDERR “theyoke: empty badness for new_content_digest on $feed_url\n”;
# check for changed rss file but not changed headings
if ($new_last_title eq “”) {
if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’}) {
if ($new_content_digest ne $previous_content_digest) {
print STDERR “theyoke: checksums don’t match, but “;
} else {
print STDERR “theyoke: “;
print STDERR “no new headlines from on $feed_url\n”;
$new_last_title = $last_title;
if ($#OUTPUT >= 0) {
if ($OPTIONS{‘reversetime’}) {
print reverse @OUTPUT;
} else {
print @OUTPUT;
### save checksum
if ($ARGV < 1 && !$OPTIONS{‘test’}) {
if (open(FEED, “> $file_digest_path”)) {
# url
print FEED $feed_url . “\n”;
# last mod
if ($resp->last_modified) {
print FEED $resp->last_modified . “\n”;
} else {
print FEED $resp->date . “\n”;
# content checksum
print FEED $new_content_digest . “\n”;
# title checksum
print FEED $new_last_title . “\n”;
# etag
if ($resp->header(“ETag”)) {
print FEED $resp->header(“ETag”) . “\n”;
} else {
print FEED “no_etag\n”;
close FEED;
} else {
die (“Couldn’t write to $file_digest_path”);
$exit_val = 2 if $dont_have_content;
sub get_checksum {
my $tent = md5_base64(encode_utf8($_[0]));
$tent =~ s/\W/_/g;
print STDERR $_[0] . ” encoding as $tent\n” if ($OPTIONS{‘debug’} > 1);
return $tent;