Keeping the freeBSD installation up-to-date is simple.
You could purchase a managed package from HostGator.
Or follow this simple command line guide below.
[php]# portsnap fetch
# portsnap update
# portmanager -u -l<!–more–>[/php]
portsnap – Approximately every hour, a snapshot of the ports tree is generated, repackaged, and cryptographically signed. portsnap gets this information to see which ports you have out of date so you can easily update them.
portsmanager – updates ports in the correct order based on their dependencies.
Now on to the binary security updates:
[php]# freebsd-update fetch[/php]
[php]# freebsd-update install[/php]
[php]# freebsd-update rollback (in case you need to rollback)
Now just check the kernal version
[php]$ uname -a
reboot to apply changes
shutdown -r now[/php][/php]