I love wordpress don’t you? It took me awhile to get used to modifying the files to get wordpress to do what I wanted. As began to recommend WP to friends and family the more I ended up realizing not every one can modify a wordpress template and adjust the code to make wordpress do what you want. Well the loveit theme was born so everyone can customize wordpress. The loveit theme allows you to display the most recent post from four categories on the main page AKA index or home page. The top of the page will show only one of the most recent posting out of one category. The bottom left will display the most recent three post out of one category and the bottom right section will display two of the most recent post out of two different categories. This works well to keep users interested and you have got to “loveit”.
Getting the home page to display your custom categories
Now let’s get to business. In order to display the categories of your choosing you must first
- determine your current category numbers
- input those numbers into the loveit form below and press the submit button
- copy the results page and save it as index.php
- copy the index.php to the loveit theme directory (you’re replacing the existing index.php)
In order to determine the number wordpress assigned to each of your categories just login to your wordpress admin panel and click the manage tab, then click categories and just hover your mouse over each category. When you hover your mouse over the category you’ll see the category number displayed on the bottom left of your browser.

Now you got the wordpress category numbers written down next to you right? Good! Take those numbers and put them in the loveit form below.
Now that looks good baby, gotta love it!
Now to get the images to show up you only need to know four things
- upload your images to the loveit theme image directory /wp-content/themes/loveit/images/
- to get the images to show up all you need to do is when you write your post (or after) is scroll to the bottom and find “custom fields” option and select “image” from the drop down box.. then type the image name in the valaue field, see below image
- I feel the image for the top post looks best at or smaller than 300px height and width
- the bottom images looks best under 200px tall and 100px wide but just play with it

Background and Link color
Now how about that background color.. or link color? You can keep the default color or pick your colors from the chart below. You’ll need to wright down the hexadecimal number listed for the color of your liking. Then slap those numbers in the form below. After you submit the form copy the resulting page into a text document and save it as style.css then upload style.css to /wp-content/themes/loveit/ which will replace the existing style.css

Got your colors picked?
Author Image
If you upload a image with the authors last name and place it in the /wp-content/themes/loveit/images directory it will show up in the post “writers” box. Just give the image the last name of the author as defined in the user creation page on wordpress and viola you’re all set. example obama.jpg
Top banner image
If you want to replace the image at the very top of your theme then just save the image name as “topbanner.jpg” and upload it to /wp-content/themes/loveit/images
I hope you like the wordpress loveit theme! My first theme so please help me out with suggestions etc