Purpose Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a device that monitors the network traffic passing through it (inline) or given to it (promiscuous) and reacts based on predefined variables. Intrusion Detection Systems react but not in a invasive manner.. meaning they only can report or log activity. … [Read more...]
2-factor authentication banking industry
2-factor authentication by definition means to authenticate a persons by what he has, knows and is or does. 2-factor authentication in the banking industry is increasingly important. Yes 2-factor authentication can be cracked but it is extremely difficult especially when implemented properly. I'd like to quickly review the basics of 2-factor authentication and then perform … [Read more...]
What is a proxy site?
A proxy site is a site used to get web information for you and display the content from within that proxy site. Here is a example of a site proxy - http://www.google.com/translate_t?hl=en Notice the option to translate a website. Place a website url in there like facebook.com and this is what you get … [Read more...]
Slow internet connection bogging you down?
A lot of factors can play into a slow internet connection but here are some things you need to check which you may have forgotten. Make sure you don't have a load of programs running in the background, particularly ones that use an Internet connection. P2P programs like Limewire and Kazaa often cause extreme bogging and slowness. Right click you task bar and choose task … [Read more...]
Best Computer for Storing Music
There are so many ways to store and play back your digital music. For archiving you can use CD or DVD as the cheapest storage solution. Your average song will eat up 5Mb (good bitrate and 4 minute song) so your average CD can store 100 songs and the average DVD will store 940 songs. … [Read more...]