If I had dollar every time someone came to me worried about their wife or husband, kids Gmail email account being hacked I'd be a... If someone hacks your gmail you can detect it and even narrow who could have done it based on geographic location. Google published an article on how to monitor suspicious account activity. According to google "a login appearing to come from one … [Read more...]
Web Based Topics
This section is for all the stuff that falls within, outside of, and around websites, automation, scripts, blips and dips... now watch me dip...
FEMA phone system hacked; calls made to Mideast & Asia
A hacker broke into a Homeland Security Department telephone system over the weekend and racked up around $12,000 in calls to the Middle East and Asia. … [Read more...]
Online virus scan allows you to email or upload files!
Found this virus scan site recommended by SANS and PC World. You can uploaded or email files under 10MB and VirusTotal will scan the file with many of the virus scan engines such as ClamAV, TrendMicro, Fsecure, McAfee, AVG, etc … [Read more...]
2-factor authentication banking industry
2-factor authentication by definition means to authenticate a persons by what he has, knows and is or does. 2-factor authentication in the banking industry is increasingly important. Yes 2-factor authentication can be cracked but it is extremely difficult especially when implemented properly. I'd like to quickly review the basics of 2-factor authentication and then perform … [Read more...]
What is a proxy site?
A proxy site is a site used to get web information for you and display the content from within that proxy site. Here is a example of a site proxy - http://www.google.com/translate_t?hl=en Notice the option to translate a website. Place a website url in there like facebook.com and this is what you get … [Read more...]